Scars: how can they be reduced?

Scars are one of those imperfections that encumber us. A bad fall during childhood, acne in adolescence or the trace of a surgical operation. Any wound is likely to heal more or less well. In the case of inflammation, for example, this can create an unsightly or even embarrassing mark.

Every scar is different

There are several forms of scars, their appearance changes according to the general health of the person, age or good blood circulation. The so-called "normal" scar is not very voluminous and leaves a whitish line on the skin. The keloid scar is a raised scar with a colour that varies between white, pink, red and brown. It has the particularity of not regressing spontaneously and of being able to extend beyond the traumatic/lesional area. The hypertrophic scar has more relief and is usually caused by a local infection. The scar can also be pigmented, if it is the result of inflammation. The achromic scar, which is more common in dark or black skin, is caused by a skin disease such as chickenpox. A scar takes about 18 months to mature. During this period it goes through various stages of colouring.

How to "take care" of your scars?

Protect yourself from the sun

It takes about 18 months for a scar to take on its final shape and colour. That is why it is important not to expose the scar to the sun during this time. So remember to protect it from the sun with a sun cream SPF 30 or 50. Exposure to the sun without protection exposes the skin to the risk of pigment staining and can lead to an irreversible scar. Protect the damaged area with a suitable product, preferably one with a high or very high protection factor.

Moisturise it well

Hydration is the best way to reduce a scar and avoid a bad evolution. Massage it every day to make it more supple and to allow better blood circulation in the damaged area. Ideally, massage the scar several times a day with a moisturizing cream to make it supple. If you like natural, aloe vera and argan oil, which regenerate and deeply moisturise and soften the skin, will be your allies. You can also choose healing creams sold in pharmacies. With a high content of collagen or hyaluronic acid, they help the dermis to regenerate.

How to hide your scars?

A special foundation

If your scar is small and not very marked, you can opt for a make-up concealment. Before you start, moisturize the targeted area. Then choose the right cosmetics to use. Use a corrective foundation. It is chosen with opaque pigments and silica that mattifies without a masking effect. If certain scars bother you on a daily basis, a dermatologist will be able to suggest a suitable treatment.
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