How to take natural care of your skin after hair removal?

Ingrown hairs, small pimples, redness... The skin is very often weakened by repeated hair removal and shaving. How can this be remedied? Which natural active ingredients should be used to repair it? From aloe vera gel to argan oil, discover in this file our tips to take care of your skin after hair removal.

Why does depilation weaken the skin?

No matter the means used (electric depilator, wax, razor or depilatory cream), pulling out a hair is a micro-trauma for the epidermis. By removing hair from the hair follicles, epilation creates inflammation of the skin pores. These are the famous little red dots that often appear just afterwards. The razor is also aggressive. Even if it simply cuts the hair without pulling it out, its action causes irritation of the skin by removing the protective film of the epidermis called the "hydrolipidic film". Drawn in from all sides during depilation or shaving, the skin tends to dry out over the long term. As the protective barrier composed of water and fats is weakened, the skin loses its suppleness, becomes rougher and dehydrated.

What is the difference between hair removal and shaving?

Although this assessment is subjective, it is recommended as far as possible to favour a method of depilation that completely removes the root of the hair, such as wax or electric hair removal. Razors tend to cause denser and more vigorous hair regrowth, which requires frequent shaving that is aggressive to the skin. It can also cause ingrown hairs and cuts.

1/ Soothe your skin with aloe vera gel

After depilation, the skin tends to tighten and heat up. To soothe the fire of depilation, aloe vera gel is recommended. This refreshing treatment is known to relieve redness and irritation of the skin. Frequently used for its anti-drying power, aloe vera gel also brings softness to dry skin. In addition, floral waters such as bitter orange or rose water are ideal after depilation to calm and rebalance dry and fragile skin. You can dab them with a cotton pad on the skin after depilation.

2/ Moisturize with argan oil

For very dry skin, don't hesitate to use a nourishing cream or vegetable oil to plump the skin deep down and soften it. Gorged with fatty acids, argan oil is known to regenerate the epidermis and improve skin hydration. For a more generous texture, prefer a nourishing balm to argan oil which will soften and moisturise the skin.

3/ Protecting your skin from external aggressions

After your hair removal, it is recommended that you do not use perfume or alcohol-based products such as deodorants. As epilation can cause slight lesions, this can further irritate the skin that has just been weakened and cause a tingling sensation. It should be noted that the pores are very open after epilation, which makes the skin even more permeable. You should also push back your exfoliating scrub, which is too abrasive for skin that has already been damaged. Finally, avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible during the 24 hours following epilation to limit pigmentary reactions such as redness, allergies or skin spots.
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